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Home » Topo Hiking and Outing Maps & Features Directory » Kentucky » Streams » Bell » Lee Andrews Branch

Lee Andrews Branch in Bell County in Kentucky

The Lee Andrews Branch is an ideal hiking destination and located in Bell County in the great State of Kentucky. The Lee Andrews Branch is perfect for hiking and located at the GPS latitude and longitude coordinates of 36.7806416 and -83.5204696 at situated at an elevation of 329 feet. The topological hiking map of Lee Andrews Branch is situated on and part of the U.S. Geological Service (USGS) area map of Balkan. Hikers interested in hiking around Lee Andrews Branch should make a copy of the topo hiking map by printing and bring it with them on their next hiking trip. Attention hikers, please always contact the local Department of Natural Resources (DNR) for more specific information on this hiking site and to learn about the regulations for hiking in the area. Hikers should also submit a comment or remark on Lee Andrews Branch to help out other hikers and adventurers.

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Outing Name: Lee Andrews Branch
Feature Type: Stream
County: Bell
Hiking Area: Balkan
State: Kentucky
Hiking Elevation: 329
Longitude: -83.5204696
Latitude: 36.7806416

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